Monthly wrap-ups

September 2018 wrap-up


My wrap up forSeptember



I read quite a few books this month.  I cut down to posting twice a day on my bookstagram account, instead of three times a day, and suddenly I have more time to read! And more time for designing my bookmarks!

The Darkest Minds and The Lies of Locke Lamora I listened to on audiobook.  I LOVED The Darkest Minds. OMG that ending.  The Lies of Locke Lamora I had tried to listen to once before and ended up putting to the side after a while.  I did enjoy it in the end, but to be honest I was just so confused about who everyone was and what was happening for so much of the book it was a bit of a struggle to get through.

I was lucky enough to have 8 of the below books sent to me by authors or publishers as ARC’s.  Some of the real standouts for me this month were the sequel to Warcross, Wildcard, and The Demon Race, a book I haven’t seen around much but I absolutely loved!  Fairytales for Feisty Girls was also brilliant and How to be Perfect was so much fun.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite read was for September!

You can check out my full reviews by clicking on the book images.

locke rockyourevile howtobeperfect secretscouts 37821651 feisty 37570566 29386918 rebelwaves theisland darkestminds eveman


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